LEad pastor

Troy Jent    Becky Jent

Pastor Troy succeeded his father as Senior Pastor in 2009 along with the help of his wife, Becky Jent. Troy has a passion for teaching the word of God. He has a desire to lead others to know Jesus and make Him known to the world. Pastor Troy has been married to Becky for 30 years. Becky serves as our worship team leader; encouraging our people in praise and training up leaders to use their vocal gifts. Together, they have three children: Ashley, Victoria, and David. 

  • Colie sutton 

    | CHildren's pastor

    Colie serves Christ Tabernacle as our Children's Pastor. She has a strong desire to help children learn the truth, joy, and love of knowing Jesus as their Savior. She is married to Warron Sutton and they have two young boys!

  • Kelly bowles 

    | Church secretary/Treasurer

    Kelly and her husband, Rick Bowles, are long-time members of CT. Kelly handles most of our office work, performing many tasks from taking calls to managing our book-keeping, while also serving on our worship team. Rick serves in leadership for our men's ministry.

  • Dean lockhart

    | maintenance/Sound tech

    Dean is our do-it-all guy. He is heavily involved in our food ministry and oversees our grounds and maintenance. He also handles all of our sound needs for our Sunday and Wednesday services.

  • Bryce davis 

    | youth pastor, Media director, & Food pantry director

    Bryce is the director of all things media and serves our students (6th-12th) as the youth pastor! He is married to Victoria and they have one child, Diana. Bryce graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor's degree in ministry/business. He has a passion to see the youth environment of this community shifted and transformed for Jesus, and for seeing our outreach grow through media!